Who we are & what we do
If you would like to become a councillor or find out more about what they do then please contact the Clerk.
What we do (Word Document, 183 Kb)
You might be surprised at how much we are involved with.
Our Staff
Michele Jones
Parish Clerk
I have been a Parish Clerk for 7 years and joined Cottesmore Parish Council in November 2021.
In a previous life, I was a Business Studies and Communications lecturer in addition to delivering training programmes to a range of large organisations throughout the UK.
- Telephone
- 07902 511737
- Mobile
- 07902 511737
- clerk@cottesmoreparishcouncil.org.uk
Chris Donovan
- Telephone
- 01572 813754
- cj53donovan@outlook.com
Alex Walker
I grew up in Oakham and moved to Cottesmore in 2018 where I live with my fiance Rachel. I run a small construction business called Rutland Plumbing and Building which has been trading since 2017. In my spare time I enjoy spending time with Rachel, my two little boys and our dog. I also enjoy Rugby. I play for a team called Stamford College Old Boys and I have played for nearly 10 years.
My roles on the Parish Council include Vice Chairman, Grounds Maintenance Co-ordinator, Play Area Co-ordinator, Facebook Page Co-ordinator and Environmental Champion. I have been a Councillor for 18 months
I am passionate about where I live and would love to help improve the village and bring our community together
- Address
- 22 Greetham Road
- Mobile
- 07983 960259
- alexwalker46dr@gmail.com
Nic Barker
- Telephone
- 07485244555
- nicbarker5@btinternet.com
David Baker
A village resident since 2009 and a Parish Councillor since May 2024
- Address
- Ash Cottage, 32b Main Street, Cottesmore, LE15 7DJ
- Telephone
- 01572 812212
- davidbaker1945@gmail.com
Steve Athawes
I retired to Cottesmore from London with wife Lynn after a long and varied career in facilities and operations management at the BBC, Royal British Legion HQ and in critical services hospital units. Hobbies include fly fishing and walking. My 'claim to fame' is that I have walked the length and breadth of mainland Britain. My book about those journeys 'Walking the Walk' was published in 2020
My wife and I chose to make our home in Cottesmore because we wanted to enter into village life and enjoy the community spirit. I became a Parish Councillor because rather than simply being a spectator, I wanted to play an active part in helping to improve village life wherever possible. I have been a Councillor since February 2024
- Address
- 4 Jubilee Gardens, Cottesmore
- Telephone
- 01572 869579
- Mobile
- 07545 673810
- Steve.athawes@yahoo.co.uk
Jadene Bale
I moved to Cottesmore in 2020 to have a bigger family home. I have since had a baby and my niece has moved in. I read Law at University ad now work as a Parish Clerk for other Parish Councils until my little one is older when I would like to go back into the legal profession. I have grown up around the military and frequently visited friends on Kendrew Barracks growing up. In my spare time, I design houses and dream up renovations.
I became a Parish Councillor 3 and a half years ago to get to know people in the village and was co-opted again in August 2024 after a brief period of leaving the Council. My main focus is play areas and increasing transparency
- Address
- Greetham Road, Cottesmore
- Telephone
- 01572 368344
- jadene73@gmail.com
Rachel Wallace
I have lived on Greetham Road in Cottesmore for 4 years and joined the Parish Council in August 2024.
I am 24 years old and have recently graduated from the University of Northampton with a First Class Honours Degree in BA Social Care and Community Practice. I have a passion for giving children and young people a voce and advocating for a better future. I enjoy spending time outdoors and in nature, my favourite seasons are Summer and Autumn.
I became a Parish Councillor to hopefully make a difference and build a strong, positive community. I am to do this as part of the Activities and Events Working Group as well as just be a friendly face and approachable member of the Parish Council
- Address
- Greetham Road
- rachel.wallace69@icloud.com
County Councillor
Cottesmore Ward
Mrs Abigail West
- Telephone
- 07739 361008
- awest@rutland.gov.uk
County Councillor
Cottesmore Ward
Mrs Samantha Harvey
- Telephone
- 01572 345028
- sharvey@rutland.gov.uk
Parish Councillor's declaration of Interests
Working Groups and Committees
Our working groups and committees have specific tasks and committees can have delegated powers. A list of the working groups and committees, together with representatives, is found below:
Councillor to be the delegate to the Leicestershire & Rutland Association of Local Councils AGM
Councillor Bale
Parish Council Representatives to the Village Hall
Councillors Donovan and Bale
The Planning Group
All Councillors
Ground Maintenance Co-ordinators
Councillors Barker and Walker
Play Area Co-ordinators
Councillors Bale, Barker, Walker and Wallace
Recruitment and Employment Committee
Councillors Baker, Barker and Wallace (1 Vacancy)
Appeals and Grievance Committee
Councillors Athawes, Bale and Walker (1 Vacancy)
Independent Adjudicator
Councillor Donovan
Kendrew Barracks Liaison Committee/Armed Forces Champion
Councillors Athawes, Baker and Bale
Police Liaison Committee
Councillors Donovan and Wallace
Activities and Events Working Group
Councillors Athawes and Wallace (1 Vacancy)
Traffic, Transport and Pedestrian Safety Group
Councillors Athawes, Barker and Donovan
Allotment Liaison
Councillors Athawes and Baker
Environmental Champions
Councillors Barker, Donovan and Walker
Cottesmore Parish Council Facebook Page Co-ordinators
Councillors Walker and Wallace
Parish Council Newsletter Editor - Councillor Baker (1 Vacancy)